Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two out of three ain't bad

Two "Oblivion" DLC down, one main quest line to go.  I finished off "Shivering Isles" earlier.  It had some interesting moments and some funny dialogue.  The last boss was kind of a pain, posing a bit of a challenge before ultimately meeting his demise.  I finished the other "Oblivion" DLC, "Knights of the Nine" a while ago, so now all that is left for me in Cyrodil is the main quest line, and it's been so long that I have no clue how much of that story I have left.  I haven't really given some thought to what I will play next, but I really should start playing "Mass Effect" soon.  There are quite a few games coming out that I have given some thought to possibly getting, and unfortunately "Mass Effect" keeps getting pushed to the side.  One of these days I will pick "Mass Effect" back up.  No, really I will......

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