Sunday, August 30, 2009

"That was one of the worst endings ever"

This is what some young kid said on the way out of "Halloween 2".  Obviously this kid can't appreciate an ending to a pretty damn good horror flick.  As you can probably guess, I went to see "Halloween 2" and I definitely enjoyed it.  I won't try to say too much about it to avoid any type of spoiler.  This movie picks up right where the first "Halloween" ended, is strong out of the gate and from there to the end, there aren't a lot of dull moments.  They brought back all the actors who managed to survive the first movie which I was glad to see.  Too many times, they try to replace actors in sequels, and rarely does it work.  I think there was one cast change, but again, I don't want to say too much as I don't want to offer up any spoilers, but the character that was involved wasn't really affected by the change.

One thing that I noticed right off the bat was how brutal Rob Zombie made Michael Myers in this one.  Growing up watching the original "Halloween" movies I was so used to seeing Myers walk about as fast as Galapagos tortoise.  Even in the first of Zombie's "Halloween" movies, Myers had a little more fluidity while running around Haddonfield, but in this one, he definitely was moving with purpose.  Not just the way he moved though, but when he got a hold on his next victim, the brutality and vicious nature with which he disposed of these people was far and away the most hard-hitting I have seen Michael Myers to date in a "Halloween" movie.  And the good thing is the way the story is told, it wasn't just for the sake of it being a horror movie.  There was method behind the madness.

Now the ending I heard the kid complaining about was, in my opinion, a pretty good ending.  All I will say is that Rob Zombie left his vision of the "Halloween" story wide open for a third installment.  After seeing the first two, I can say I am looking forward to "Halloween 3" if it ever does get made. In fact I think a third movie needs to be made, just to try and make us all forget about the original third "Halloween" movie......  If you are a fan of horror movies, especially the "Halloween" movies, I really suggest you go see this.


  1. Well i knew you couldn't preface your entry with that title, something had to be amiss. We've yet to see it but i do have to say that is one thing i love best about movies are the different opinions and emotions it evokes from people.... More on it if we ever manage to go see it, Jokul is not big on horror movies... =D

  2. On the topic of replacing actors in sequels, did you ever see this one...?

    At least Zemeckis tried his hardest to fix it without resorting to a Bruce-Lee-Game-of-Death hackjob treatment! :p

    And yes, Halloween 3 was bad...I remember being a little kid when that came out and the posters and title freaked me out. :p I had just seen Kubrick version of "The Shining" and of course I was going to be scared of anything. Years later, I only remembered it because of the Donovan song, LOL. :p
