Monday, October 19, 2009

Beyonce would be proud

So I went shopping last week with the family, and I finally became the last person on the entire planet I believe, to take the "Halo" plunge.  Now granted, this isn't the first "Halo" game that I have, since I've had "Halo Wars" since it came out.  I am more referring to the single-player shooter games.  Well, it's been 8 days since that shopping trip and I have played through the main trilogy, leaving me only "Halo 3: ODST" to finish on the single player side.

This group of games has been widely considered as some of the best games ever created for any system.  I had always thought that this hype was a bit much and couldn't understand what all the hype was about.  I mean, could a trilogy of games actually be this good?  Well, after playing through the single player campaign of all three games, I can honestly say the hype might not have lived up to the game.  These first-person shooters have everything you could want in a superb game. The storyline that is stretched over the could have been pulled right from a $400 million dollar Hollywood blockbuster.  The graphics were phenomenal.  The gameplay was some of the best in any shooter I have ever played.  These games had some of the most intense moments I've ever had while playing a shooter.  They really did a great job drawing you into the war you were a part of in the series.  And Bungie (the people behind the "Halo" series) really did an awesome job with the parts of the game involving all the different vehicles you had a chance to use throughout the series.

I really can't say enough about these games other then I wish I would have played them sooner.  I know from now on, I will be there front and center buying whatever "Halo" games are released from here on out.  Now if only I didn't have to work so I could start "Halo 3: ODST".


  1. I have only one bad thing to say about ODST:

    But I suppose the map complexity make up for that.
    (tree) (Bore) let's play ODST Co-OP ! It's fun !!!

  2. Not only that, but lets play some Firefight damn it!!!
