Friday, October 23, 2009

A tradition unlike any other......or not.

Well today marks year number 6 of a tradition that I have come to look forward to every year.  What is this tradition you may ask?  Today is the opening of "Saw VI".  Ever since the first one came out, I have made a point of going to see the new one the day of release every year.  Don't ask me why.  I don't really have an answer as to why.  I will be honest.  While I do enjoy the "Saw" movies, they really need to end the series with either this movie or with the possible release of "Saw VII".  I haven't done any looking into another "Saw" movie release for next year so they might already be planning another movie for next year.  But the series does need to end soon.  One thing that keeps me curious about the new "Saw" movies is how they keep the "Jigsaw" storyline going with him long dead.  I also enjoy the flashbacks into his life they have had in the recent movies, going more into his life before "Jigsaw" and the events that pushed him to his breaking point. 

So, after work today, I will be in the theater, pop and Crispy Critters in hand looking forward to see what "Jigsaw" and company come up with next.  Hopefully the movie can meet my expectations.  Those expectations being just not to suck too bad.

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