Friday, October 23, 2009

So all precincts are in......

Work was kind to me today and I was able to go see "Saw VI" like I had hoped to this morning.  Let me start this by saying there will not be any spoilers about the movie, so this will most likely be a short update.  The movie was really good.  This one was similar to the last 2 movies in that a portion of the film was told through flashbacks, to tie the movies and the total storyline together and "Saw VI" accomplished this well.  They tied up just about every lose end that the previous films had left us, which leads me to my only gripe.  While every plot line was finished, they did unfortunately leave a small opening at the end of this one for a "Saw" movie next year.  I really hope that the series is done.  If they do in fact release a new "Saw" next year, they are gonna be doing the series a disservice. Hopefully the people at Lionsgate know when to call it a day with the series.  I'd hate to see this go the same way as the "Friday the 13th" movies and just become a joke.  The "Saw" series deserves better.

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