Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Technology is wonderful....when it works.

I apologize for lack of updates this month.  With a houseful of people and the laptop still on the fritz, it can be hard to squeeze in time on our desktop PC, which results in the lack of any updates.

We went and saw "2012" about a week ago.  I enjoyed it.  For those that don't know, it is a story about the end of the world coming in conjunction with the end of the Mayan calender, which is December 21, 2012.  While the story itself was alright, it paled in comparison to the special effects.  The effects in this movie were phenomenal.  Watching Los Angeles or Las Vegas or any of the other well known locations be destroyed by Mother Nature was pretty intense.  It is a longer movie, but it doesn't feel like it with everything that is going on onscreen.  So if you are looking for a fun movie to go to, I would recommend "2012".

I've been playing a ton of "Dragon Age: Origins" as you may imagine, and in fact, a few days ago, I ended up beating the game.  What a game.  A lot of the things that happen in the game reminded me a lot of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, which I am a huge fan of.  From the army of evil marching across the countryside destroying everything in its path, to the band of adventurers comprised of men, elves, and dwarves,  this game is epic in scale.  One thing I would have liked to see is there not be so much linear parts to the game and have it be more of an open world type of game like "Oblivion", but this is BioWare, and this game does indeed borrow a lot from "Mass Effect".  It will be interesting to see how much along the same lines "Mass Effect 2" is.  And that is a very good thing.  Even with the linear nature of a lot of this game, I put in almost 90 hours of gameplay.  Not only that but the way you can build relationships with your party members, and with the multitude of job and specialization combos makes for a ton of replayability.  Which is why I started another game, this time as a female elvish Rouge.  On my first playthrough I was a human Warrior, but this time around I'm looking forward to the different play styles between the two jobs,

Then last night I was on Xbox Live and saw their deal of the week which was 50% off of "Peggle".  I've read a lot about this game and it's expansion "Peggle Nights" and they sounded really interesting, so I downloaded and played the demo, and I was hooked.  It's an arcade style game kind of like a marriage between pinball and "Arkanoid".  Basically you shoot balls at a table full of pegs, and every time your ball hits a peg, it disappears.  There are different color pegs on the board, and the object of each board is to eliminate the orange pegs.  This is a lot more challenging then it sounds, and a lot more fun.  And a lot more addicting.


  1. Oooh who doesn't like Pinball AND arkanoid! what a combo!

  2. As for 2012, i don't know, i have not seen it yet, but definitely have heard some not such rave reviews. As much as i LOVE john cusack, i might wait till it hits the video stands on that one.
